Category: Business & Investing / Workplace
Reader rating: 3.56
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Always late???

Tom was in his early 50s, retired and started a second career.

However, he just couldn't seem to get to work on time. Every day, 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, real sharp, so the Boss was in a quandary about how to deal with it. Finally, one day he called him into the office for a talk.

"Tom, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job, but you're being late so often is quite bothersome."

"Yes, I know, Boss, and I am working on it."

"Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear. It's odd though, you coming in late. I know you're retired from the Marines. What did they say if you came in late there?"

They said, "Good morning, General."

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